Olmos Series Appliance Design
TMJ & Sleep Therapy Research is proud of its reputation as being a leader in the field of continued education, training and resources for the dental profession. We provide an integrated approach to care that includes more in-depth diagnosis, the latest treatment technologies, patient management systems, integrated software and training for all levels of a dentist's practice. All education is directed by Dr. Steven R. Olmos, whose commitment to helping patients overcome Sleep Breathing Disorders, Craniofacial Pain and TMD has made him world renown. Dr. Olmos' "System" for triage, diagnosis and treatment is noted for providing successful treatment results. It is the driving force behind TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centres International with 55 Centres spanning 6 countries dedicated to bringing care to patients with these conditions around the world.
TMJ & Sleep Education
CLICK HERE, you'll find information about how you can tap into the resources available from the Education Programs of Dr. Olmos and his team of qualified speakers including where and when you can hear Dr. Olmos lecture, how you can participate in beginning, intermediate and advanced TMD and Dental Sleep Medicine training and accessing new treatment technologies.
We encourage YOU to expand your knowledge...
Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ or TMD), or TMJ syndrome, is an umbrella term covering acute or chronic inflammation of the temporomandibular joint, which connects the mandible to the skull. The disorder and resultant dysfunction can result in significant pain and impairment. Because the disorder transcends the boundaries between several health-care disciplines–in particular, dentistry, neurology, physical therapy, and psychology–there are a variety of treatment approaches. At Diamond Orthotic Laboratory, we actively engage in continuous education with our laboratory partners around the globe. This enables us to stay abreast of this constantly evolving field. Appliance Design is an integral part of this evolution.
Are we making splints or orthotics?
Splint: "A rigid or flexible appliance used to maintain in position a displaced or mobile part or to keep in place and protect an injured part."
Orthotic: "An orthopedic appliance or apparatus used to support, align, prevent or correct deformities, or to improve the function of movable parts of the body."
In conclusion, proper diagnosis is the key to effective treatment. The more precise and accurate your diagnosis, the more specific and effective will be the treatment.
The Olmos Orthotics are designed to correct skeletal, muscular, tendon and ligament asymmetries. Therefore, it fulfills the criteria for an orthotic. The purpose of all orthotic therapy is to restore function and reduce symptoms, not to restore all of the injured or degenerative components back to their original dimensions and health. The Olmos Day Appliance(s)are fabricated on the mandible for aesthetics and function. If the patient cannot speak with the appliance in place, it is likely that they will not wear the appliance. This is where our team at Diamond Orthotic will assist you after proper case analysis has been done, upon receiving your models/impressions. We survey each case to determine whether or not an alternative design is required. That's just part of our dedicated approach to offering you the best possible outcome.
We emphasize the need to take detailed impressions, capturing important landmarks in the mouth including the patients hammular notches and insisive papilla. If dragging occurs using Polyvinyl Siloxane then it can be difficult to guarantee accurate fitting, especially around posterior teeth used for retention (ball clasps,thermoforming, rigid acrylic). Capturing the Hammular Notches are essential for mounting procedures on our D3D-Matrix
Appliance selection for patients can only be determined after a comprehensive diagnosis. Therefore, successful appliance selection requires that the prescribing Dentist fully understand the diagnostic protocol associated with the Olmos Series of appliances. Training sessions are conveniently available at varying times throughout the year in the US, Australia and Canada. Click on OLMOS EDUCATION under the" Additional Resources" tab to find out more.
Causes of TMJ Disorder/Syndrome:
It is important to first explain that "syndrome" is simply a collection of the symptoms and "disorder" is the actual condition. Research has shown that many factors may lead to this disorder - TMJ dysfunction (TMD).
TMD can occur by itself or be a part of a more complex problem. Statistics indicate that the vast majority of TMJ disorders are caused by trauma. There 2 types of trauma; Macro-trauma that is sustained from a major injury to the joint or Micro-trauma that is the result of the low grade, repetitive injury. We believe that there is usually more than one factor responsible for TMJ dysfunction. Some of the causes may be:
- Automobile Accident
- Sports Injury
- Clenching and Grinding of the teeth - known as "Bruxism"
- Systemic diseases
Neuromuscular imbalances
- Inflammation of the joint
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Osteoarthritis (degenerative)
Another common cause involves displacement or dislocation of the disk that is located between the jawbone and the socket. The disk can also develop a hole or perforation, which can produce a grating sound with joint movement. TMJ disorders can occur if:
- The disk erodes or moves out of its proper alignment
- The joint's cartilage is damaged by arthritis
- The joint is damaged by a blow or other impact
The muscles that stabilize the joint become fatigued from overwork, which can happen if you habitually clench or grind your teeth.
Signs & Symptoms of TMJ:
Signs and symptoms of TMJ disorder vary and can be very complex to identify. Often the symptoms will involve more than one of the numerous TMJ components: muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, bones & connective tissue. People with TMJ problems generally experience one or more of the following symptoms:
- Chronic recurring headaches
- Clicking, popping or grating sound in the jaw joints
- Earaches, congestion or ringing ears
- Limited jaw opening or locking
- Dizziness
- Pain when chewing
- Neck and/or throat pain
- Difficulty in closing the teeth together
- Tired, tight jaws
- Pain behind the eyes
- Scalp tenderness
- Swallowing difficulty
- Pain in the tongue, gums or cheek muscles
- Teeth grinding or clenching
A displaced disk may produce clicking or popping sounds, limit jaw The disk can also develop a hole or perforation, which can produce a grating sound with joint movement cause pain when opening and closing the mouth. Jaw, face and/or neck pain are common indicators of acute or chronic inflammation of the TMJ. This can cause significant pain around the TM joint itself but the discomfort can also spread and surface in places outside the TMJ area. Finding the right dental physician to identify the root cause of the pain can be difficult as the TMJ transcends the boundaries between several health-care disciplines. It is important to find a doctor who is not only a licensed dentist but who also has advanced education and training in these conditions.
TMJ Diagnosis & Treatment
At TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centres, the critical path is to find the root cause of a patient's individual pain or discomfort. A full evaluation of the patient is necessary – from a detailed health history to a comprehensive clinical examination including the evaluation of: jaw movement, skeletal structure and posture, airway and dental health, as well as cranial and neurological examination and muscle palpations.
The two temporomandibular joints can differ not only in size and shape, but also in function. It is possible to have a problem in one joint with the symptoms expressed in the other joint. Pain can migrate from one side to the other because of the complexity of this joint.
Nerves, tendons, ligaments and muscles are all interconnected with the TMJ. When any one part malfunctions, this complex system can be compromised from working together in harmony. Therefore, a careful and thorough diagnosis is needed to determine the root cause.
Finding the right practitioner to identify the root cause of the pain can be difficult as the TMJ transcends the boundaries between several health-care disciplines including: dentistry, neurology, pulmonology, otolaryngology or gastroenterology, chiropractics or physical therapy and psychology. Therefore, patients may find treatment approaches that vary from medication regimens for pain management to molding a night-guard (which can actually exacerbate inflammation).
At TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centres the focus is comprehensive evaluation for diagnosis and non-invasive treatment therapies. Each Centre is equipped with the latest technologies to further diagnose TMJ problems, direct non-surgical treatment and monitor treatment progress for maximum results.

Dr. Steven Olmos
Dr. Steven Olmos is an internationally recognized lecturer and researcher, and the founder of the TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre's International. He graduated from the University of Southern California School of Dentistry, and has dedicated the past 30 years to the fields of craniofacial pain, TMD and sleep disordered breathing. He has extensive post graduate education and board certifications in both craniofacial pain and dental sleep medicine. Dr. Olmos was an adjunct professor at the University of Tennessee College of Dentistry, where his system of diagnosis and treatment are utilized at the school's Craniofacial Pain Center. He is currently directing research in these fields through data collection at 55 TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre's spanning 6 Countries. This effort is focused to establish protocols between dentistry and medicine for optimal treatment outcomes.